For booking enquires at Morgans primary school please email Karen at
For booking enquires at Abel Smith School please email Vicki at
Please note - The Dell is an independent charitable business, and therefore any enquiries sent indirectly via school admin may be missed, or take significantly longer to process.
​Term Time bookings
Term Time
Bookings for Abel Smith and Morgans School are currently available.
To request a new contract or to register for a new account, please use the link above.
For more information about contracting and how to create a contract click here.
(Please note all new contracts are subject to management approval)
For our latest Terms and Conditions
Ad Hoc spaces are also now available. For further instructions click here.
All spaces are subject to availability. For help or enquires please contact us.
​Holiday Club Bookings
Holiday Club

Bookings open for :
​​​​​ FEB HALF TERM​​​​​
17th to 21st Feb 25 and
Morgans inset day 24th Feb 25
We are are now offering a full day from 9am to 5pm (with the option to add a breakfast from 7.30am to your session).
Subject to demand we aim to run two clubs one for older children - Challengers (from Year 2 up) and Little Explorers for our younger early years children aged 3- 5.
This will allow us to where possible to gear our activities to the ages and interests of the children.
Little Explorers holiday activity flyer Feb 25
For Morgans Inset we will provide a club for the inset day 24th Feb 25
Bookings now open via the link below​
Bookings are subject to availability. See here for our Terms and Conditions.